Modern Slavery Policy

CSP Recruitment commits to developing and adopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation.

Hidden labour exploitation is exploitation of job applicants or workers by third party individuals or gang’s other than the employer or labour provider including rogue individuals working within these businesses but without the knowledge of management. It includes forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation; payment for work-finding services and work-related exploitation such as forced use of accommodation. It is understood that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.


All CSP Recruitment Branches and On-Site Locations.


Overall responsibility of the policy – Andrew Meacham Operations Director Branch/Regional Managers are responsible for ensuring the policy and process is followed and trained out to anyone working in for CSP.

  • All CSP consultants to watch the Stronger Together Video and complete induction/awareness training by Branch Manager
  • All consultants to sign off the compliance document
  • All consultants to receive certification on completion of training

Stronger Together Pre-Employment Questionnaire to be completed at all interviews and registrations
2 x Stronger Together Posters to be visible in each location, with Head Office phone number

CSP shall:

  • Designate appropriate managers to attend “Tackling Hidden Labour Exploitation” training and to have responsibility for developing and operating company procedures relevant to this issue.
  • Accept that job finding fees are a business cost and will not allow these to be paid by job applicants. The Company will not use any individual or organisation to source and supply workers without confirming that workers are not being charged a work finding fee.
  • Ensure that all staff responsible for directly recruiting workers are aware of issues around third- party labour exploitation and signs to look for.
  • Ensure that labour sourcing, recruitment and worker placement processes are under the control of trusted and competent staff members.
  • Adopt a proactive approach to reporting suspicions of hidden worker exploitation to the Gangmasters Licencing Authority and Police.
  • Provide information on tackling “Hidden Labour Exploitation” to our workforce through internal training, see SOP “Preventing Hidden Labour Exploitation”.
  • Encourage workers to report cases of hidden third-party labour exploitation, provide the means to do so and investigate and act on reports appropriately.
  • Positively encourage and support employees and agency workers to report such exploitation which may be occurring within their communities by asking selected pre-worker interview questions at point of registration, by issuing a 6-monthly anonymous worker questionnaire.
  • Require labour providers and other organisations in the labour supply chain to adopt policies and procedures consistent with the above.

If you have any questions about this Modern Slavery Policy, please contact us at:
0116 2538222

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